Wednesday 14 May 2014

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!
I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while now... but there were so many think to think about. What do I want to write about? I have so many interests! I didn't think I could make a blog interesting enough based on only one of them... but I didn't think anyone would be interested in a blog that's all over the place either. Where do I start? I don't really know much about this kind of thing other than the daily research of reading my favorite blogs... And I certainly have not had an easy time figuring out all of this website formatting business. I'm tech savvy but you don't have to deal with this stuff on a day to day basis!

Then I though, well you're not doing this for anyone else in particular so... who cares if people are bored when you obsess over one thing. Who cares if not everyone likes everything you have to talk about. Are there a lot of people out there that are in to vintage fashion AND RPGs? To be honest I have no idea. But if they're out there I want to find them because that's who I AM and finding like minded people is what this is all about. I'm slowly learning the ins and out of this thing so hang on with me as I hone my skills.

This isn't going to be an organized kind of business to start with but I hope as I keep at it I'll learn a trick or two and things will start to fall into place. If you're interested in fashion or cooking or crafting or video games or geeky shows (Game of Thrones, Dr. WHO, Sherlock) then stick around! There might no always be something new that interests you but then again maybe you'll discover something new :)

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and I hope you'll join me on my new adventure.


Nola Smiles

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